Monday, November 25, 2019

Michelangelo Buonaratti essays

Michelangelo Buonaratti essays Michelangelo Buonaratti was born in Caprese, Italy during the renaissance period and lived from 1475-1564. He later moved to Florence, Italy under the Medicis family rule and was found to be a talented painter and sculptor, while also being a gifted poet. Since he was skilled in the arts, he was commissioned by Pope Julius the 2nd to create his tomb, but was later assigned to paint the ceiling of the Sisteen chapel. The chapel was located in Rome, Italy on the grounds of St. Peters Cathedral. For the next five years, from 1508-1512, Michelangelo worked on the chapel and entirely finished its massive ceiling. He was a very dedicated man and took much pride in doing his work. He was first asked to paint the twelve apostles upon the ceiling, but later had a vision and was given permission to paint nine biblical scenes consisting of about 300 figures. Since he was a good Christian man and mostly faithful to the pope, he was given the right to change what he would eventually paint. In th ose long five years, Michelangelo painted through much sickness, exhaustion, pain, and hopelessness to create this wonderful masterpiece. Some of his other great accomplishments was the quote life is found in a block of uncarved marble and the soul is trapped inside, and his famous work on the David, a world renown sculpture that took him four years to create. Michelangelo Buonaratti died at the age of 89 in Florence, Italy. ...

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